
encounters happen in the body

In this improvisation you see clearly movement and expression and qualities but what you don’t see are the two women I met that morning, sitting on the park bench, plucking their eyebrows, drinking bear and smoking. Their eyes looked at me sometimes. I recognized, or imagined, a certain sadness in the way they held their heads.

You also don’t see the conversation I had with a Chinese medicine doctor who told me about a guitar song I didn’t know and which I then listened for the first time while dancing.

These are just random moments of my day. They encountered themselves and created a third element: this improvised dance. And this dance took me then to other places, unexpected ones that arose from this encounter.

We are all full of encounters who are ready to become something else — a dance, an emotion, a pause, a text. Creativity does not arise from the nothing but from perceiving encounters.